Life Insurance

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Why Life Insurance?

Reasons of having a Life Insurance Policy

Living to Long - If a person lives long (May Almighty give Long & Healthy Life to All - Amen), then after certain age the person is physically weak to earn his living or his capacity to work has decrease. If something is saved for the rainy day, which would come to rescue.

Living to Short - Life is uncertain, due to any mishap a person is short of life, then to support the family an amount is required.

Fulfilment of Dreams - A regular saving cum investment habit is formed to save for our dreams. In unfortunate case the insurance amount comes to our rescue. Let it be liabilty of an bought asset (House/car/etc) or Childrens Education or Childrens Marraige.

For any of the above the Sum Insured and Maturity Amount stand very important, without which it does not serve the purpose. The same is considered during Financial Planning, which is on case to case basis. Kindly contact us to get the RIGHT ADVICE

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