General Insurance

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Why Insurance?

Why Insurance is required?

Insurance is to compensate against any damage or lost happening to our assets due to un fore seen calamities, for which they are cover for. What can be cover and by which plans. Details are as below:

Home Insurance - Building and Contents can be covered against Natural Calamities & Man Made Perils.

Shop Insurance - Building and Contents / Stocks can be covered.

Burglary Insurance - Burglary is covered under this policy.

Vehicle Insurance - Covers Own damage & Liability insurance.

Money Insurance - Cash in Transit, Cash in Safe is covered under this policy.

Marine Insurance - Transportation of Raw Material or Finished Goods are covered.

Mediclaim Insurance - Health Insurance covers the medical related expenses.

Travel Insurance - Travel Insurance has many features which covers the perils during domestic as well as Overseas travel.

Factory Package Insurance - Covers the perils of Fire, Workmen Compensation, Group Personal Accident Policy, Loss of Profits, Liability Insurance, Group Mediclaim & Many other...

Any other, as per the requirement can be covered under Misc Insurance. Specific requirement can be considered for cover under Special Contigency Insurance Policy.

Always check out on exclusion in the general insurance policy. Always know what is cover & what not. In what condition the claim is payable / not payable.

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